Interview with musician Allie Crow Buckley

There are those who suppress heartache, and then there’s Allie Crow Buckley. Acutely self-aware and eager to expand, Allie welcomes it. She has a Joni Mitchell-esque way of analyzing emotional dynamics and translating them to song. Her lyrics are full of feeling and refreshingly plain-spoken. In her song “Captive”, for example, Allie sings about an unhealthy relationship, one in which she’s a willing participant. She owns up to her end of the tumultuous union, singing, “I just craved a little codependancy and if I ever loved you, it’s my own fault.” Her friends try to steer her away, but she loses herself in it anyway because he’s the one she wants, channeling the age-old adage: sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Her vocals blend beautifully with the melody, leaving you humming in its wake. A natural muse, Allie has a breezy West Coast energy and a cool combination of fortitude and fragility that leaves you wanting more. To celebrate her new single that came out in August, we spoke to Allie about her inspirations.
When did you decide to pursue music? Were you aware of what you wanted to do at a young age, or did your passion develop over time?
It hit me like a ton of BRICKS! Then I was very secretive about it. None of my loved ones had ever heard me even sing a song until my first show last year.
You were born in San Francisco. How has that setting influenced your sound?
I was indeed born in San Francisco, but lived in many different places with my family like Venice, Malibu, New Zealand, Mendocino…all by the sea. I think the variety of surroundings affected my sound, and continues to do so.
You have a knack for examining the complex nature of relationships. What are some other ideas you’ve been exploring recently?
Thinking thinking always thinking…Ego vs. Self Worth & Instinct vs. Overthinking

Who are some female musicians (from any era) that inspire you?
Lucinda Williams and Morgan Nagler (of Whispertown)
What is your creative process like? Do you have a routine, or do you wait for inspiration to hit? Do you have any writing rituals?
No real rituals, YET. Still honing in the craft. Hopefully soon I’ll have mystical carps whispering me tunes, or relaying messages from conch shells.
Tell me about the new song you released in August.
My single came out on August 26th, and the song is about…RELATIONSHIPS! Being in love, but feeling there is a greater love somewhere out there.

What are you currently listening to?
Scott Walker’s Scott 4. In Italy! Covered in salt water and ants. Watching my love spit out a piece of pear.